Keeping your tools of the trade – scissors – sharp is crucial for that all-important cut. Especially when you are a professional clothing maker, hairstylist, or manicurist, the sharpness of your scissors is going to make a huge difference in the product you create.
When it comes to sharpening scissors, there are a lot of questions regarding scissor-type, brand, and materials.
Here is a list of everything you need to know about scissors, if they can be sharpened, and how they are sharpened:
Table of Contents
10 Types Examined:
Not all scissors are for sewing.
Scissors are a powerful tool used in plenty of professional settings, especially in the hair and nail industries. Even chefs need sharp and capable scissors in the ktichen.
Here are 10 types of scissors that can be sharpened:
Can Haircutting Scissors be Sharpened?
Haircutting scissors may be sharpened by an expert every 3-12 months. You can sharpen them yourselves at home with rough and smooth stones or other common methods. A professional should sharpen higher-quality scissors, such as steel bevel, convex, and concave blades.
Can Pinking Scissors be Sharpened?
Pinking scissors can be sharpened but should be done so by a professional. Pinking shears are designed at a very particular angle. This angle must be properly replicated when sharpening with a file or stone, so an expert should be enlisted for sharpening pinking shears.
Can Cuticle Scissors be Sharpened?
Cuticle scissors can be sharpened. Both the left and right edges of the cuticle scissor must be honed and thinned to safely cut at cuticle skin. You may sharpen cuticle scissors yourself with a whetstone or sandpaper at a 30-45 degree angle, or contact a professional.
Can Embroidery Scissors be Sharpened?
Embroidery scissors may be sharpened at home with sandpaper. Embroidery scissors may also be sharpened with a knife sharpener. Since embroidery scissors are delicate, contact a professional to sharpen them first if you feel unprepared to sharpen them.
Can Kitchen Scissors be Sharpened?
Kitchen scissors are best sharpened when taken apart first. Kitchen scissors have both flat and beveled blades. Sharpen each against a whetstone individually. Reattach the different sides and ensure they are tight. Snip the two blades together to hone them back into shape.
Can Nail Scissors be Sharpened?
Nail scissors can be sharpened, but their curved blades make it tricky. Nail scissors must be sharpened regularly to prevent injury when clipping toenails or fingernails. Ask a professional to sharpen your pair of nail scissors to prevent any mistakes.
Can Serrated Scissors be Sharpened?
Serrated scissors have a serrated blade and a regular, non-serrated blade. That straight blade can be sharpened, while the serrated edge usually isn’t. The teeth of the serrated edge do most of the work, preventing it from needing much sharpening. However, you can sharpen a serrated edge if needed.
Can Thinning Scissors be Sharpened?
High-quality thinning shears and scissors should be sharpened regularly to prevent a bad haircut. Both blades – the straight edge and the thinning edge – should be sharpened. This can be accomplished by a professional, or sharpened at home with a whetstone or sandpaper.
Can Zig-Zag Scissors be Sharpened?
Zig-Zag scissors can be sharpened with an extra fine-grit sandpaper. Cutting the sandpaper with your zig-zag scissors a few times can improve how it cuts your fabric. Make sure to test it on scrap fabric and cut sandpaper as needed to get a sharp edge.
Can Fabric Scissors be Sharpened?
Fabric scissors can be sharpened professionally for roughly $7-$15 depending on where you take them. You can also sharpen them yourself with sandpaper, a whetstone, or even steel wool. Make sure you know which material is best for your pair of scissors before proceeding.
2 Materials Examined:
Some materials are more difficult or easy to sharpen than others.
Here are two types of scissor materials to keep an eye on when you try to sharpen them yourself:
Can Stainless Steel Scissors be Sharpened?
Stainless steel holds a sharp edge for a long time. However, it is difficult to sharpen stainless steel because it is made of hard substances like vanadium and high carbide levels. Scissors and knife companies that sell stainless-steel products may sharpen them for a price or subscription cost.
Can Titanium Scissors be Sharpened?
Titanium is softer than expected and can be sharpened on a whetstone. These scissors can be sharpened at home, but they require very careful maintenance. Therefore, sharpening your titanium scissors with a professional could keep them nice and sharp for months.
6 Brands Examined:
Depending on the brand of scissor you buy, the company may offer paid or free sharpening services!
Here are 6 different brands of scissors that can be sharpened:
Can Gingher Scissors be Sharpened?
Gingher scissors can be sharpened at home or with Gingher’s sharpening and repair service. Scissors with a knife edge can be sharpened on a whetstone. Gingher recommends against sharpening embroidery or pinking shears with a stone. The cost of Gingher’s sharpening service is around $15/pair.
Can Cutco Scissors be Sharpened?
Cutco sells a straight-edge sharpener for most kitchen knives, and they offer a blade sharpening service both at home and in their factory. For sharpening scissors, you will need to separate the blades and sharpen them individually yourself or send them into Cutco for sharpening.
Can SINGER Scissors be Sharpened?
Singer scissors can be sharpened at home with sandpaper or whetstone. also recommends using a knife sharpener and wool soap pads. They do not offer a sharpening service at this time, according to their customer service representatives.
Can Fiskars Scissors be Sharpened?
Fiskars sells a universal scissors sharpener at around $10-$20 depending on where you buy from. This allows you to sharpen your Fiskars scissors safely at home without resorting to sandpaper or whetstones. Fiskars does not cover sharpening, wear, tear, or accidental damage on their products.
Can Kai Scissors be Sharpened?
Kai offers a professional scissors sharpening tool costing around $450. This is not ideal for the home sewer. Instead, Kai scissors should be sent to your local sharpener or craft store for sharpening. You can also use home methods like sandpaper or whetstones.
Can Matsui Scissors be Sharpened?
Matsui hair scissors can be sharpened at home, but their high cost and quality recommend using a professional service for this. Local scissor sharpeners or craft stores will charge roughly $7-$35 to sharpen a single pair of scissors to keep your scissors sharp and of good quality.