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Do Scissors Sharpen Themselves? (Explained)

We all know how frustrating it is to cut something and then find out that the blades are getting dull.

Most of us have to sharpen our scissors, but some brands claim to be self-sharpening. In this article, we’ll explore whether or not scissors sharpen themselves and what factors may be involved in their sharpening.

So, do these self-sharpening scissors exist?

Do Scissors Sharpen Themselves?

Most regular scissors do not sharpen themselves, but this rule has a few exceptions.

Some companies make special scissors that sharpen themselves. These scissors usually do not need additional maintenance unless they break down or stop working.

Scissors that get dull can be sharpened with a whetstone or special abrasive paper. Both of which are sold at most hardware and home improvement stores.

They can also be sent back to the manufacturer for sharpening.

What Are Self-Sharpening Scissors?

Self-sharpening scissors are scissors that can sharpen themselves.

They work by having a sharpening wheel on their bottom blades, grinding them against each other, and sharpening them.

These scissors are ideal for people who don’t want to get up from their workstations to sharpen their scissors whenever they get dull. They’re also perfect for people who don’t want to use a whetstone or other sharpening tool because they find it difficult or time-consuming.

There are several types of self-sharpening scissors, but the most common is one with blades made from high-carbon steel (HCS). This steel can retain its sharp edge even when used on hard materials like cardboard or paper. 

The blades will stay sharp for longer than those made from normal steel.

How does this help with self-sharpening? HCS blades have a non-stick coating that helps keep them clean and free from debris that would otherwise dull them over time.

How Do I Know if My Scissors Are Self-Sharpening?

There are ways to tell if your scissors have self-sharpening capabilities, but the most reliable way is to look at the packaging. If it says “self-sharpening” in big letters, you’re probably safe assuming they do.

If there’s no mention of self-sharpening on their packaging, keep an eye out for any other indications that they might be. For example, if they have a special coating or some special material that helps sharpen them, they might be self-sharpening.

It’s also possible that the blades are made from some metal or alloy, making them self-sharpening by default.

Another way to determine if your scissors are self-sharpening is by testing them with a sharpness test strip. To do this, hold the sharpness test strip up against where the two blades meet.

If there is a gap between the strip and the blade, it’s most likely self-sharpening.

What Do Self-Sharpening Scissors Look Like?

It can be hard to distinguish between regular scissors and self-sharpening scissors.

If you’re looking for a pair of scissors that will stay sharp and ready to use, it’s important to know what they look like.

Self-sharpening scissors are just regular scissors. They have the same shape, size, and appearance as any other scissors.

The only way to tell whether or not a pair of scissors is self-sharpening is by reading the label packaging or testing them yourself.

Can Scissors Re-Sharpen Over Time?

Regular scissors cannot re-sharpen over time unless you sharpen them yourself.

This is because they are only as sharp as when you bought them. With regular scissors, it’s up to you to keep their edges sharp.

If you want them to stay sharp, you’ll need to take them to a professional sharpener or use a whetstone at home. This can be inconvenient and costly if done frequently, but it is the only way to keep regular scissors usable over time.

Self-sharpening scissors, on the other hand, will sharpen themselves as they cut through things like paper or fabric fibers.

This means that you won’t need to worry about taking them in for sharpening or using any special tools at all.

Can You Use Aluminum Foil to Sharpen Scissors?

The answer is yes, but there are a few things you should know.

First, aluminum foil is not the best material for sharpening scissors because it’s not as abrasive as other materials. That being said, you can use it if you have no other options.

It would be best if you also were careful not to use too much force or pressure when using aluminum foil because this can cause damage to the blades of your scissors.

How to Use Aluminum Foil to Sharpen Scissors:

To use this method, follow these steps:

Step 1: Cut a piece of aluminum foil into about 1 inch wide and 2 inches long strips.

Step 2: Wrap one strip around each blade of your scissors so the foil strip completely covers them.

Step 3: Hold both blades together in one hand while pulling them back and forth at a slight angle (approximately 20 degrees) until they feel sharpened.

If they don’t feel sharpened after pulling them back and forth for about 30 seconds, repeat this step until they do feel sharpened.

Can You Sharpen Scissors at Home?

Yes, you can sharpen scissors at home. There are different ways to sharpen scissors at home, depending on your budget and the type of scissors you have.

Here are some of the most common methods:


You can choose any sandpaper to use. It doesn’t matter if it’s coarse or fine.

Cut the piece into smaller pieces about the size of one or two fingers on your hand. Next, press one piece of sandpaper against the blade of your scissors and rub it back and forth until it feels smooth.

You should also feel like you’re pushing harder than usual because this will help sharpen them up. Then, take another sandpaper and repeat this process until both sides are sharpened equally well.

You must keep an eye on how much pressure you’re using because you won’t sharpen your scissors correctly or evenly if there’s too much pressure.


They work by grinding away metal from an edge until it is sharp again. You can find them at a local hardware store or online.

First, wash the scissors thoroughly with warm water and soap. This will ensure that no dust or dirt gets into the blades while working with them.

Once they’re clean, place the blade flat against the whetstone and apply light pressure while moving it back and forth slowly. The goal is not to remove any material from the blade but rather to straighten any burrs or unevenness on its surface.

When you’ve finished sharpening one side of the blade, flip it over and repeat the process on the other side.

Honing Rods

Honing rods don’t work on all types of scissors, and they can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look.

While they do work well, they don’t work as well as other options. In addition, they won’t give your scissors that extra-sharp edge that the best sharpening systems will provide.

If you are wondering how to use a honing rod, here are some quick steps:

  1. First, you should also ensure that the scissors are clean before sharpening them with a honing rod.
  2. Hold the scissor blade firmly but gently against one side of the honing rod with your fingertips. This will ensure it does not slip out of place while sharpening it with the other end.
  3. While holding onto one side of the scissor blade firmly with one hand to avoid losing control over where it goes, move its other end straight up and down across both sides of the blade.
  4. This will create an edge on each side, resulting in sharper edges once finished with this step. However, if needed, repeat these steps until desired results have been achieved.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Scissors Sharpened Professionally?

The cost of having scissors sharpened professionally will vary depending on the type of scissors you have and where you live. However, it’s usually a fairly affordable service.

The price of getting your scissors sharpened depends on where you go and what type of sharpening service they offer. For example, if you go to a local hardware store, they may charge $5-$10 per pair depending on how many pairs they sharpen at once.

If they require any other services like cutting off old blades or replacing handles or screws that were damaged during the process, that will cost more.

Some manufacturers offer lifetime warranties on their products and will sharpen their scissors for free. They may have to be mailed in or brought into a local store, but this is still a great way to save money while maintaining your investment in high-quality craft supplies.

In some cases, you may be able to do it yourself. If that’s the case, you’ll need a pair of sharpening stones and oil to keep them in good shape.

A sharpener can be used to give your scissors a quick tune-up. Scissor sharpeners are usually small, handheld devices that you slide the blades of the scissor through. The device creates two small channels in which the blade moves back and forth to sharpen it.

Once you’re done using it, you clean out any bits of metal flakes with a rag or brush, and voila! Your scissors are good as new.


Guggenheim – Lifetime Warranty