How Long Do Scissors Last? (Explained)

You’ve had your scissors for a long time and are wondering if it’s time to replace them.

Perhaps you require a new pair of scissors and want to know how long they will last. Whatever the case, there are a few things you should know about the lifespan of scissors.

1. How Long Do Scissors Last?

Scissors’ lifespan depends on how often they’re used, the type of scissors, and the material they’re cutting. How often you use them, what they’re made of, and how you care for them all greatly impact how long they last.

For example, if they are used daily, they will last less than if used once a week at home. If the shears are of high quality and durable materials, they can last longer than a standard pair of scissors.

It will also make a difference if these scissors are only used on finer materials.

2. How Long do HAIR Scissors Last?

If you have a high-quality pair of hair scissors, they can last up to 5 years on average. The trick is knowing how to care for them properly, so they last as long as possible.

Here are some tips for maintaining your hair scissors:

  1. Please don’t leave your scissor in water for too long when cleaning them. This can cause rust and damage to the blades.
  2. Always ensure that your shears are clean before using them on clients. This prevents bacteria from growing on the blades over time and keeps your scissors sharper for longer.
  3. Keep your shears sharpened by having them professionally sharpened every six months. If you have a whetstone, you can sharpen them yourself. Otherwise, it’s best to have them professionally sharpened.

3. How Long do SEWING Scissors Last?

Sewing scissors that are used regularly will last about 20-25 years or longer, but it’s up to you to care for them.

The life span of sewing scissors depends on the frequency of use. A pair used to cut fabric for years may still be sharp and useful, but it will take more effort to get through a large stack of fabric than a newer pair.

If you want to know if your scissors are no longer sharp enough, you should test your scissors by cutting paper and fabric. If you have trouble cutting through paper or fabric without feeling strain, it’s time to sharpen your blades.

You can extend the life of your scissors by doing the following:

  • Keep them out of the sun and away from moisture.
  • Please don’t put them in the dishwasher. The detergent will gunk up the blades and cause rusting.
  • Use oil on the blades once or twice a month to prevent rusting and wear on your scissors’ metal parts.
  • Sharpen your scissors with a whetstone or an electric sharpener.

4. How Long do CLASSROOM Scissors Last?

When it comes to classroom scissors, they often do not last very long.

Scissors are used in schools daily. They are an important tool for teachers who need to cut up papers, cut posters down, and use the scissors as a learning tool for their students.

The main reason classroom scissors do not last very long is that they are made from cheap materials that cannot withstand heavy use by children.

Scissors are made with low-quality materials, which means they break easily. This may seem like a disadvantage—and technically, it is—but it’s also why teachers and parents can afford to buy them in bulk for their students.

5. How Long does KITCHEN Last?

The lifespan of your kitchen scissors depends on the type of scissors you buy and how well you take care of them.

Cheap, low-quality kitchen scissors may only last a few months or, in some cases, a year or two. These are usually made with low-grade steel that can rust easily, especially when used to cut acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes.

Better quality kitchen scissors will last three years or more with proper care. It would be best if you always hand wash your kitchen shears instead of putting them in the dishwasher, which can cause corrosion and dulling over time.

You should also regularly oil your scissors’ blades with mineral oil or vegetable oil so they remain sharp for longer periods without needing regular sharpening.

In addition, you should consider the type of kitchen scissors. There are two main types: stainless steel and carbon steel. Stainless steel will last longer than carbon steel because it’s harder to damage or bend, but it can also be more expensive.

Finally, consider how often you use your kitchen scissors. The more they’re used, the sooner they’ll break down and require replacing.

6. How Long do GARDENING Shears Last?

What distinguishes garden shears from regular scissors?

The answer lies in their construction. Garden shears are usually made of stainless steel, which gives them a sharper edge than scissors but not quite as sharp an edge as your kitchen knives.

They’re designed specifically for cutting through tough materials like stems and branches, which means they won’t dull after each use like other cutting tools.

When Should You Sharpen Your Scissors?

When your scissors become dull, they can’t cut through paper effectively.

They’ll also leave ragged edges and may even tear the paper. Scissors should be sharpened when they’re no longer cutting well or when one of the blades begins to bend or twist.

The following are some guidelines for determining when it’s time to sharpen your scissors:

  • If you have trouble cutting through paper cleanly, your scissors have become dull and need sharpening.
  • If you notice that one of the blades of your pair of scissors is bending or twisting, it’s time to sharpen them so that both blades are straightened out again.
  • If a blade starts to bend or twist too much while using it on paper or other materials, it’s time for some sharpening.

Can You Sharpen Scissors Indefinitely?

You can’t sharpen scissors indefinitely. Eventually, you will need to replace the blade. It would be best to sharpen your scissors when they become dull, blunt, or nicked.

Scissors are made up of two blades that are connected by a pivot bolt.

The pivot bolt allows the blades to open and close as you cut, but over time it loosens and allows one blade to move more than the other. As this imbalance increases, your scissors become duller and less effective at cutting your hair or fabric.

You can use a sharpening stone to hone your blades back into alignment to fix this problem. This will make them feel smooth again and help them cut better for a few more cuts before they need another honing session.

Eventually, the blades will become so uneven that there’s no way to restore their original sharpness—at which point you’ll have to replace them with new ones!

There are ways to extend the life of your scissors, such as the following:

  • Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight so they don’t warp or crack with age.
  • You should always lubricate the blades before putting them back into storage at any time of year to prevent rusting, which would drastically reduce their lifespan. 
  • Avoid pushing too hard on the blades while cutting. This can cause damage to the metal that holds the two blades together, which could lead to the breakage of the blade at a later date.

When Should You Replace Your Scissors?

It cannot be easy to know when to replace your scissors. There are some things you can check for to determine if they have become worn out or need to be replaced.

Here are some signs that it’s time:

If your scissors are dull, they won’t cut well. You’ll be able to see this in the way that their blades don’t meet at a point. They’ll leave a gap between them when closed. This means that you’ll have to exert more pressure and may end up making more mistakes.

If the curves of the blades are becoming rounded or flattened, it’s time to get new ones.

The curve can be restored with sharpening, but if this happens enough times, it will permanently affect the blade’s integrity and make it more susceptible to breaking than before.

If your scissors start to rust or develop spots, discoloration, and corrosion, it’s probably time for new ones because those conditions can cause permanent damage over time!